Here is a list of all the forms for Teen camp 2023. Click on each link to view in your web browser and print them as needed for registion and sharing with you teen group. Use your browsers back button to return to this page and view other forms for download and printing.
It’s Teen Camp time again!!! I am so looking forward to this year’s camp, because it will be the most spiritually impacting week for your student’s life this year. I have never left a camp and not had every teen come back on fire for the Lord. I’m not expecting anything less this year. In fact, I’m expecting even greater things this year.
The cost for camp is $230 per student including meals and lodging. The Point Loma Praise Band will lead us in worship. While at camp, we will be enjoying swimming, zip-line, mini golf, Frisbee golf, archery tag, seminars, the Event Center, Rock Wall, all wrapped around God’s Word and much, much more.