All camper applicants must complete the “Kids Registration” and print a copy of the “Indemnification and release of liability”. Sign the form and bring it to camp.
All Counselors need to fill out applications for “Kids Counselor Application”, the “Children and Youth Worker Applications” and the “Indemnification and release of liability”. You will need to follow the instructions found at the “Children and Youth Worker Applications” web sight. Print the “Indemnification and release of libility” form , sign it and bring it to camp. Click here for a kids camp packing list.
*If you’d like to send camp mail to your child, please give it to your Children’s Pastor or Counselor with the name of the child and date of delivery, so it can be turned in on the day of registration.
Don’t miss your chance to attend NM District Kids Camp at Bonita July 7-11. Early registration deadline is TBD.