Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do.


The Alabaster Offering gets to the mission field via several avenues. The most widely used is the Alabaster Box. Individuals are challenged to regularly contribute the cost of items they desire but do not need. The boxes also serve as reminders to pray for those people who will benefit from Alabaster buildings.

In September and February, the money is collected. Many churches receive regular offerings throughout the year that are designated as Alabaster funds. (This is often a part of the Faith Promise plan for mission giving.) However, the semi-annual offerings in September and February are tradition in the Church of the  Nazarene.

Purchase boxes or give directly online!


Alabaster Offering.png

Sunday, October 4

We have classes available:


You are welcome to join our gathering–just for ladies–that meets in the home of Ilene Marsh on Mondays at 10:00am. For more information, contact Ilene or call the church at (575) 336-8032. The schedule is as follows:

· 1st Monday of every month:  Roll bandages for the Kujup Nazarene Hospital in Papua New Guinea

· 3rd Monday and 4th Monday of every month: Bible Study!


Beginning next Sunday, October 11, we have four days of revival and an emphasis on drawing closer to the Lord with Rev. Billy Huddleston. Billy is from Ohio and travels most of the year preaching and singing in churches across the United States. His preaching is relevant, challenging, and biblically based. This will be an incredible 4 days of seeking God’s presence led by a God-inspired man! We challenge you to be part of this time. 

Sunday, October 11 – 9:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Monday, October 12 – 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday, October 13 – 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, October 14 – 6:00 p.m.

Serving Opportunity

We have a great opportunity to impact children & teens from Capitan Schools. We are looking at providing a place for students to come, throughout the week, to use our Church and internet, to do their homework. We need people that would be willing to give some time to volunteer, to be a sponsor, and or tutor. We will be practicing social distancing and everyone would be required to wear a mask. We will provide a Background check for everyone. Please pray about this amazing opportunity!  If you are interested or want more information, please contact our Church office (575) 336-8032 or by e-mail at info@anguschurch.org

Weekly DBJ GROUPS– *Discipled by Jesus is a prayer process … for group and individual conversations with Jesus.  We talk to Jesus, and He talks to us (John 10:4, 27) via His Spirit, His Word, and through His Spirit-led Body.  Through this group process, we train Jesus’ disciples to: 1) better sit at His feet in private, 2) better follow Jesus moment by moment in public (instead of making Him follow what we think or feel or want), and 3) better make disciples of Jesus by helping others be discipled by Jesus as we are being discipled by Jesus.  

Tuesday6:00 p.m.  in Capitan at 103 S. Lincoln across from Oso Grill

Wednesday5:30 p.m. in the sanctuary at Angus

Thursday10:00 a.m. on Zoom.  *Get Zoom link by emailing Lorna at lornafike@gmail.com

Contact Jan Sweeney for more information jansweeney303@gmail.com  

Weekly Meetings

Prayer Requests 

   Our folks with special physical needs:

Contact Angus Church Staff:CHURCH PHONE (575) 336-8032
Visit our website @ anguschurch.org
•PASTOR – RICK @ rick@anguschurch.org
•SECRETARY- KAREN LEE @ info@anguschurch.org
•YOUTH PASTOR-PHIL JONES @ phil@anguschurch.org
•DISCIPLESHIP-JAN SWEENEY @ jansweeney303@gmail.com
•COMPASSIONATE – LORNA FIKE @ lornafike@gmail.com

Where to Watch
live and later

Live on youtube @ 9:30 AM
later on facebook