Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do.This coming week September 20-26

Life Groups

Beginning Sunday, September 27, we will be providing the opportunity for you to be part of a small group or class.  

We have four classes/groups ready to begin and we would love for you to be part of them.

1)    A senior adult class that uses the Nazarene Publishing materials will plan on meeting at 8:30 a.m. before the worship service.  Pat Trembly will be leading this class.

2)   Ron Hutchison will be leading a class that will be sharing a brief video taken from Colson Center who is leading a nation-wide call to prayer.  Different current national and local Christian leaders lead in these special calls to prayer with a different one each week.  This class will meet at 11:00 a.m. after the worship service.

3)    Jan Sweeney will be leading a Discipled By Jesus class also at 11:00 a.m. following the worship service.  If you have never been part of a DBJ group, we want to encourage you strongly to check this out.  It is more than a program, it is an incredible way to connect with Christ.

4)    Ed & Jo Beth Vinson will lead a special Grandparenting class using special videos and notebooks.  This seminar is an incredible opportunity for grandparents to learn how to be more involved spiritually in the lives of your grandchildren regardless of whether they live close to you or not.

The scope of these classes is that they will last 10-14 weeks and then we will offer new classes as well.  We hope that you will take advantage of these incredible opportunities.Baby Announcements
Chelsea, Kendal, & Kyanna Wilson welcomed baby sister, Jemma, on August 17th.
Loren, Danielle, & August Rush welcomed baby sister, Penelope, Sept 3rd.*
Both Mommies and babies are home. Congratulations, to these families!

Weekly DBJ GROUPS– What a rich time we have sharing stories of seeing Jesus at work, praising and thanking Him, and being enlightened with insights that are clearly from Him!  “Every time I come to DBJ, I get recharged.” – Kaylee.   The realm of heaven’s kingdom is bursting forth, and passionate people have taken hold of its power (Matthew 11:12). Join us! Everyone is welcome! 

Tuesday6:00 p.m.  in Capitan at 103 S. Lincoln across from Oso Grill

Wednesday5:30 p.m. in the sanctuary at Angus

Thursday10:00 a.m. on Zoom.  *Get Zoom link by emailing Lorna at lornafike@gmail.com

Contact Jan Sweeney for more information jansweeney303@gmail.com   

Prayer Requests

   Our folks with special physical needs:           · Bob Appleby           · Janett Travis

Contact Angus Church Staff:CHURCH PHONE (575) 336-8032
Visit our website @ anguschurch.org
•PASTOR – RICK @ rick@anguschurch.org
•SECRETARY- KAREN LEE @ info@anguschurch.org
•YOUTH PASTOR-PHIL JONES @ phil@anguschurch.org
•DISCIPLESHIP-JAN SWEENEY @ jansweeney303@gmail.com
•COMPASSIONATE – LORNA FIKE @ lornafike@gmail.com

Where to Watch
live and later

Live on youtube @ 9:30 AM
later on facebook