Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do.
Sunday, October 25

Sunday Morning Life Groups

We still have about 30 Samaritan’s Purse-Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes to fill!

Reminder: The boxes are due back by Sunday, November 8, but you can drop them off at the church office anytime before then. This year all the boxes are labeled with a number. Please fill out your name, contact information, (for church use only)  and the number on the box on the clipboard at the table.  

Hope Harbor is raising money with a Christmas Wreath Campaign for the holidays.  

 This week

· 1st Monday of every month:  Roll bandages for the Kujup Nazarene Hospital in Papua New Guinea

·3rd Monday and 4th Monday of every month: Bible Study!

Weekly DBJ GROUPS– What a rich time we have sharing stories of seeing Jesus at work, praising and thanking Him, and being enlightened with insights that are clearly from Him!  “Every time I come to DBJ, I get recharged.” – Kaylee.   The realm of heaven’s kingdom is bursting forth, and passionate people have taken hold of its power (Matthew 11:12). Join us! Everyone is welcome! 

Tuesday6:00 p.m.  in Capitan at 103 S. Lincoln across from Oso Grill

Wednesday5:30 p.m. in the sanctuary at Angus

Thursday10:00 a.m. on Zoom.  *Get Zoom link by emailing Lorna at lornafike@gmail.com

Contact Jan Sweeney for more information jansweeney303@gmail.com  

Prayer Requests 

· George Saucier: in need of prayer concerning his physical health

· Barbara Cooper: her Mom passed away recently

· Our school kids we are hosting each week

· Pray for the family of Pastor Darryl Tennefos in Portales—Pastor Tennefos passed away recently.

· Joe Medina: received news that his colon cancer is stage 3

· Tom Battin: is in rehab and is doing well

· Dennis Haskell: home & recovering

· Mike Payne: dealing with infection on his foot but is home & doing better

· Keena Brazel: thyroid levels dropped miraculously in 6 weeks 

· Opal Peters: recovering from broken hip and surgery

· Jeanie Austin: will see a rheumatologist soon to see if they can discover the source of the issue– Please send cards to: P.O. Box 2328 Ruidoso 88355

· Phil Best: continue to pray for Phil and Claudia

· Pastor Paul Baker: (Mountainair, NM) cancer has  returned and is terminal

· Nation & Leaders

Our folks with special physical needs:

· Bob Appleby

· Janett TravisContact Angus Church Staff:CHURCH PHONE (575) 336-8032
Visit our website @ anguschurch.org
•PASTOR – RICK @ rick@anguschurch.org
•SECRETARY- KAREN LEE @ info@anguschurch.org
•YOUTH PASTOR-PHIL JONES @ phil@anguschurch.org
•DISCIPLESHIP-JAN SWEENEY @ jansweeney303@gmail.com
•COMPASSIONATE – LORNA FIKE @ lornafike@gmail.com

Where to Watch
live and later

Live on youtube @ 9:30 AM
later on facebook