Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do. 

Sunday, March 7, 2021  Church Service at 9:30 a.m. 






2021 The Year of TRUTH
Trust that God is Righteous, and He challenges us to walk in Unwavering Transparency into Holiness, which He provides for His children!

Alabaster offering 
This Sunday,  March 7th 

Women’s Bible StudyWomen’s Bible Study at Ilene’s is starting back up Monday, March 8 at 10:00 a.m. 

Spring Forward-Daylight Saving Time Next Sunday, March 14Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour next Saturday night. 

We are nearing the end of our Church fiscal year.As we look ahead and anticipate the opportunities to provide more ministries again, to do some things that we haven’t been able to do for a while, our church board and staff need God’s wisdom. We ask for your prayers as we look to the future. We believe that God is doing some new things and we want more than anything to know and follow the will of God for Angus Church. Thank you to everyone for your faithfulness in the giving of your tithes and offerings. We want to be good stewards of  the monies that are given through Angus Church and your faithfulness helps us to continue to look at how God wants us to touch our community. 

Keeping In Touch (K.I.T.A new ministry has begun so that we can help everyone to continue to feel part of Angus Church. If you are interested in knowing more, please contact the Church office (575) 336-8032 or email Karen at info@anguschurch.org and I will get you the information. 

Learning Center

We are excited to announce that tutoring for kids and teens at our Angus Learning Center is back up and running.  Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.  If you would be interested in helping us out with tutoring please let us know.  Everyone that helps with our kids and teens has to have a background check and go through a short training on children safety (it doesn’t take long) and we will provide the background check. 

NM District Women’s Virtual Retreat

NM District Women’s Virtual Retreat March 19-20.  Guest Speaker: Susie Shellenberger

For more information and to register – Go online at nmnaz.com 

There is no charge for the retreat, but you must register to get the passcode for the meeting. Please register by March 10th

PDF Meeting:

Each Wednesday evening at 6 o’clock we have our PDF Zoom meeting (Prayer, Devotion, and Fellowship) and we invite anyone who is interested in connecting. If you would like to do so and you did not get the zoom link for the meeting, contact the church office, 336-8032, and we’ll get that to you!

Thursday Night Prayer
Each Thursday evening during Lent we are having a time of prayer here at the building at 6:00 p.m. We invite anyone who would like to join us for prayer to come and be part of this special time. 

Church Directory:

We would love EVERYONE who attends Angus Church to be in the Church Directory!  It is a wonderful way to stay in touch with each other.  Pick up a form from one of our greeters and then email a photo to the church office at info@anguschurch.com.  Once in the directory, you may access it on your mobile device or computer.  For information or answers to your questions, see Jan Sweeney.

Thank you

Loretta Garner would like to thank everyone for their love, prayers, and support during her surgery, and recovery.

Prayer Requests

Contact Angus Church Staff:
Church Phone (575) 336-8032

Visit our website @ anguschurch.org

Pastor – Rick Hutchison  @ rick@anguschurch.org

Secretary – Karen Lee @ info@anguschurch.org

Youth Pastor – Phil Jones @ phil@anguschurch.org

Discipleship – Jan Sweeney @ jansweeney303@gmail.com 

Compassionate – Lorna Fike @ lornafike@gmail.com

Assimilation – Tamara Bailey @ Tamara@bccacctg.com

*We are continuing to stream our service LIVE on YoutTube & then posting the recorded service each week on Facebook.* Search: “Angus Church of the Nazarene”.

Where to Watch
live and later

Live on youtube @ 9:30 AM
later on facebook