Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do.Sunday, December 20, Church Service at 9:30 a.m.
Sermon Title: “Love: Center Stage” Scripture: Matthew 2: 1-18, Philippians 2:3-11
*According to the state and county guidelines, we are allowed up to 25% of our capacity in the gym to be present with us in our worship services each week until further notice. We are not going to make reservations because up until this began again we were averaging about 100-125 people per week. With this new capacity notice we can easily accommodate up to 130 people. So, until further notice, please join us here, in person, for worship each Sunday morning. Please wear a mask and if you for any reason you are uncomfortable about being around others AND ESPECIALLY if you are sick and do not feel well, worship with us on YouTube each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m.*
* We are continuing to stream our service LIVE on YouTube & then posting the recorded service each week on Facebook.*Search: “Angus Church of the Nazarene”Office HoursThe Church office will be closed starting at noonWednesday, December 23rd and will be open December 28-30, closing at noon the 30th. If you have a need please contact the church office at (575) 336-8032 and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Christmas Eve * This Christmas Eve Pastor Rick and Sue will be with their family in Wisconsin (Lord willing) to celebrate with their children and grandchildren. However, we want to provide a Christmas Eve service for everyone. This year we will provide that service virtually for Christmas Eve. The service will be recorded and be available for you to access anytime after 5:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve. We want to encourage you to get your family together and perhaps let your friends and neighbors know that Christmas Eve we can worship together virtually. We’ll have some fun with it and look at the beautiful meaning of Christmas. The service will be 20-30 minutes in length so we hope you’ll be part of it with us! * The Advent Season is upon us. It is a chance for us to not only look back and celebrate the coming of the Son of God in Bethlehem, but it is also a chance to look forward to what God is doing today. It is a time of expectation and wonder; it is a time of anticipation and rejoicing. We invite you to open your hearts to The Glory of Christmas and let God work in your heart and life today!
*Here is the link to the prayer guide that you can download onto your computer: https://www.salemoffers.com/campaign/advent-prayer-guide-2020/rc/bgmarqueenewsletter
DBJ** IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING PART OF Discipled By Jesus EMAIL GROUP PLEASE E-MAIL Jan Sweeney at jansweeney303@gmail.com**
Lorna is continuing DBJ Thursdays, at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. If you are interested in joining, email Lorna at lornafike@gmail.com and get the Zoom link.
Prayer Requests
· Lawrence Trujillo: Bob Appleby’s son in-law- his work crew exposed to COVID
· Howe’s neighbors have a daughter and son in-law who are COVID positive
· Jesse & Sandy Pape: working at Cal Farley- most of the girls in their home are COVID positive
· Pray for our nation and the change of leadership
· Mike Payne:outpatient surgery this past week on his foot- continue to pray for healing and God’s touch
· Joe Medina: undergoing chemotherapy for colon cancer.
· Health Care Workers
· Jeanie Austin: continuing physical needs and changes – pray for God’s anointing and peace
· George Saucier: George is rapidly declining physically and mentally. Please pray for God’s touch on him and his family.
· Yolonda White: dealing with physical needs
· Bill White: dealing with serious dementia
· Our school kids we are hosting each week
· Dennis Haskell: home & recovering
· Opal Peters: recovering from broken hip and surgery
· Phil Best: continue to pray for Phil and Claudia
Our folks with special physical needs:
· Bob Appleby
· Janett TravisContact Angus Church Staff:CHURCH PHONE (575) 336-8032
Visit our website @ anguschurch.org
•PASTOR – RICK @ rick@anguschurch.org
•SECRETARY- KAREN LEE @ info@anguschurch.org
•YOUTH PASTOR-PHIL JONES @ phil@anguschurch.org
•DISCIPLESHIP-JAN SWEENEY @ jansweeney303@gmail.com
•COMPASSIONATE – LORNA FIKE @ lornafike@gmail.com