Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do. 

Sunday, January 17, Church Service at 9:30 a.m. Sermon Title: “TRUTHScripture: John 8:31-33; 14:1-6; 15:5-9; Colossians 1:24-27
* According to the state and county guidelines, we are allowed up to 25% of our capacity, in the gym, to be present with us in our worship services, each week, until further notice. We are not going to make reservations because up until this began we were averaging about 100-125 people per week. With this new capacity notice we can easily accommodate up to 130 people. So, until further notice, please join us here, in person, for worship each Sunday morning. Please wear a mask and if you for any reason are uncomfortable about being around others AND ESPECIALLY if you are sick and do not feel well, worship with us on YouTube each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m.*
*We are continuing to stream our service LIVE on YoutTube & then posting the recorded service each week on Facebook.* Search: “Angus Church of the Nazarene”.
21 Days of Prayer & FastingWe are in the first week of 3 weeks of special prayer and fasting that our District Superintendent, Dr. Lacher, has challenged our district churches to. There are daily devotionals, special times of prayer twice a day on Zoom and the Church in NM praying and fasting together to seek God! If you are interested in joining in, you can do so by sending a request for Zoom links and daily devotionals to Dr. Lacher at this email address: lalacher@nmnaz.com 
DBJ:*If you are interested in being part of Discipled By Jesus email group please email Jan Sweeney at jansweeney303@gmail.com *
Lorna is continuing DBJ Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. If you are interested in joining, email Lorna at lornafike@gmail.com and get the Zoom link.

Prayer Requests: 

Our folks with special physical needs:

Contact Angus Church Staff:

Church Phone

(575) 336-8032

Visit our website @ anguschurch.org


Pastor – Rick Hutchison  @ rick@anguschurch.org

Secretary – Karen Lee @ info@anguschurch.org

Youth Pastor – Phil Jones @ phill@anguschurch.org

Discipleship – Jan Sweeney @ jansweeney303@gmail.com 

Compassionate – Lorna Fike @ lornafike@gmail.com

Assimilation – Tamara Bailey @ Tamara@bccacctg.com

Where to Watch
live and later

Live on youtube @ 9:30 AM
later on facebook