Elementor #9880

https://youtu.be/RrfaSpVyPzw “Like Wayward Sheep” March 12, 2023

Weekly Bulletin

Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do.  Sunday, March 7, 2021  Church Service at 9:30 a.m.  T                                                              […]

Weekly Bulletin

Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do.  Sunday, February 21, Church Service at 9:30 a.m. Sermon Title:                        T                                “Who Are […]

Weekly Bulletin

Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do.  Sunday, February 14, Church Service at 9:30 a.m. Sermon Title:                        T                                “Standing Firm […]

Weekly Bulletin – TRUTH pt.5

Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do.  Sunday, February 7, Church Service at 9:30 a.m. Sermon Title: T                                 “Righteous Through Faith in Christ“                […]

Weekly Bulletin – TRUTH pt.4

Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do. * According to the state and county guidelines, we are allowed up to 25% of our capacity, in the gym, to be present with us in our worship services, each week, until further notice. We are not […]

Weekly Bulletin – TRUTH pt.3

Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do. * According to the state and county guidelines, we are allowed up to 25% of our capacity, in the gym, to be present with us in our worship services, each week, until further notice. We are not […]

Weekly Bulletin – TRUTH pt.2

Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do.  Sunday, January 17, Church Service at 9:30 a.m. Sermon Title: “TRUTH“Scripture: John 8:31-33; 14:1-6; 15:5-9; Colossians 1:24-27* According to the state and county guidelines, we are allowed up to 25% of our capacity, in the gym, to be […]

Weekly Bulletin – TRUTH

Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do. Sunday, January 10, Church Service at 9:30 a.m. Sermon Title: “TRUTH”  Scripture: John 8:31-33; 14:1-6; 15:5-9; Colossians 1:24-27 *According to the state and county guidelines, we are allowed up to 25% of our capacity in the gym to be present […]

Weekly Bulletin – Happy New Year

Lord, do in me what You must do in order to do through me what You want to do.Happy New Year!Sunday, January 3, Church Service at 9:30 a.m. Jan Sweeney will be bringing this week’s message. Sermon Title: “What On Earth Is God Doing For Heaven’s Sake?”  A walk through scripture to unfold God’s perspective, plan, and purpose.  *According […]

Where to Watch
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Live on youtube @ 9:30 AM
later on facebook